Malgwyn’s Views

examining origins

No Serious Scientist . . .

Dr. A. E. Wilder-Smith

‘No serious scientist’ is a judgment journalists have been known to prefix to statements deriding creationism or the Intelligent Design movement. I was first introduced to Professor Wilder-Smith by being invited to a Christian science and academics forum in the early eighties in a class room setting. I was doing postgraduate studies at the time and a friend who was a lecturer and scientist knew of my interest in the conflict over evolution and creation and invited me to one of the seminars. If I were to give a title to Wilder-Smith’s presentation that evening it would be “Who wrote the DNA?’. I bought two of his books following that seminar the covers of which provide the information that follows. He came across as the gentleman described on the books and what one can read of him on the Internet.

Considered to be the father of Intelligent Design and the source of inspiration for their current work, the late A.E. Wilder-Smith had three science doctorates. He studied natural sciences at Oxford University in 1942 and received his PhD in organic chemistry from Reading University. From 1945-1949 he pursued cancer research under a Countess of Lisburne Memorial fellowship at Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London. He was chief of research at Geistlich Soehne (Pharmaceuticals) Ltd., at Lucerne from 1951-1955, being granted the Doctor of Science degree from the University of Geneva in 1964. During the same year, he received his third doctorate at E.T.M. in Zurich.

Dr. Wilder-Smith was visiting Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Illinois, at the Medical Centre, Chicago, during 1957-1958, and visiting Professor of Pharmacology at the School of Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway, from 1960-1962, while on leave from Geneva. From 1964 he was Professor of Pharmacology at the Medical Centre, University of Illinois, where he was also on the faculty of the College of Nursing. He authored and co-authored more than 50 scientific publications. He was widely known as a speaker to student and lay groups both in Europe and in the United States, on such subjects as Darwinism and contemporary thought, recent pharmacological advances, and drug addiction in today’s society.

Dr. Smith received the Golden Apple award for the best course in five years of college life from senior students in the College of Pharmacy in 1967 and 1960, and the same award from the College of Nursing in 1968. For four consecutive years – 1966-1969 – he received the Instructor of the Year award and citation for the best senior year course. Students commented, “He made us not only better scientists but better men.” Prof. Dr. Wilder-Smith was a professor of pharmacology for two years in Ankara in Turkey and was consultant for drug abuse with the rank of General in the NATO military forces. His creationist publications were published in the 1970s.

For further biographical information on A. E. Wilder-Smith go to: And to:

Professor E. H. Andrews

Professor E .H. Andrews BSc, PhD, DSc, F Inst P, FIM, was Professor of Materials in the University of London, formally Dean of Engineering at Queen Mary College. He graduated in theoretical physics in 1953 from University College, London, and did his PhD in mechanics of fracture. He was awarded the DSc degree for his published work in the physics of high polymers, and is an international authority in the science of large molecules. He has had over eighty scientific papers and books published. John Blanchard tells us in the preface of his Has Science Got Rid of God? that Andrews is now Emeritus Professor of Materials in the University of London. Written in the 70s and 80s, his creationist books include From Nothing to Nature, and God, Science and Evolution.

See also Dr. John Ashton:

It was a derisory remark about no serious scientist believing in creationism that was responsible for the printing of three books edited by John Ashton. See reviews on this website on In Six Days, On the Seventh Day and The Big Argument: Does God Exist? for more ‘serious’ scientists of various disciplines who espouse the Bible teaching on origins.

Revised 8/05/07